
Umalogic invites educational institutions to participate in the Partnership Program. The Program is aimed at the development of Management Schools and the popularization of Business Architecture Design ideas.

Non-commercial use for universities

Umalogic offers higher educational institutions and business schools the opportunity to use Business Studio application free of charge in their teaching processes.

The Business Studio application is provided subject to an agreement on the program being used for educational purposes only. The agreement may be concluded with any higher educational institution engaged in the training of corporate modeling specialists on a regular basis. In order to take advantage of the offer, the educational institution must be licensed to conduct appropriate training courses and issue diplomas (certificates) to students (trainees) at the end of the period of study.

Institutions that have successfully concluded the agreement on the use of an application in the educational process shall be entitled to receive:

  • A Business Studio license for educational use free of charge;
  • The right to free updates;
  • Temporary personal licenses for students who work on their term paper or thesis using Business Studio.
    Such licenses shall be issued only upon the university’s submission of a student list containing the students’ names, courses, majors, names of their papers/thesis, planned start and completion dates for the use of Business Studio.

To learn more on the terms of the Business Studio partnership or apply and conclude an agreement, please email us at partners@umalogic.com.